
Type Origin Destination Ships Start Arrival Return Result
Explore -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 - Cancel
Explore -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 AbortedMission was aborted
Explore -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 PlanetPlanet found
Rarity: Uncommon
Type: Atmosphere
Position: -157/-238
Explore -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 300 SDStardust found
The crew found a small amount of Stardust during the exploration.

+ 300 Stardust
Explore -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 300 SDStardust found
The crew found a small amount of Stardust during the exploration.

+ 300 Stardust
/ BlueprintBlueprint found
The crew found a blueprint during the exploration. This blueprint was found:

+ Dreadnought Zaneel
Explore -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Lost
Support -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 - Cancel
Support -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 AbortedMission was aborted
Support -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 -
Support -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Log1 / Log1
Deploy -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 - Cancel
Deploy -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 AbortedMission was aborted
Deploy -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 -
Transport -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 - Cancel
Transport -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 AbortedMission was aborted -
Transport -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 -
Siege -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 - Cancel
Siege -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 AbortedMission was aborted -
Siege -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Log1 / Log1
Siege -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 -
Break Siege -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Draw Log1 / Log1
Break Siege -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Victory Log1 / Log1
Break Siege -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Defeated Log1 / Log1
Attack -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 - Cancel
Attack -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 AbortedMission was aborted
Attack -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Draw Log1 / Log1
Attack -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Victory Log1 / Log1
Attack -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Defeated Log1 / Log1
Attack -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 -
Yamato Upgrade -157:-238 -157:-238 1 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 - Cancel


Type Origin Destination Ships Start Arrival Return Result
Explore -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 AbortedMission was aborted
Explore -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 PlanetPlanet found
Rarity: Uncommon
Type: Atmosphere
Position: -157/-238
Explore -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 300 SDStardust found
The crew found a small amount of Stardust during the exploration.

+ 300 Stardust
Explore -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 300 SDStardust found
The crew found a small amount of Stardust during the exploration.

+ 300 Stardust
/ BlueprintBlueprint found
The crew found a blueprint during the exploration. This blueprint was found:

+ Dreadnought Zaneel
Explore -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Lost
Attack -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 AbortedMission was aborted
Attack -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Draw Log1 / Log1
Attack -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Victory Log1 / Log1
Attack -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 Defeated Log1 / Log1
Attack -157:-238 -157:-237 2100 18/08 12:39:35 00:39:35 01:35:13 -

Legende (Tooltips):
Mission: TransportOre: 8000
Coal: 4000
Copper: 2000
Uranium: 1000

Ships: 2100Corvette Crocus: 1000
Frigate Quorn: 500
Destroyer Rocket: 100
Cruiser Kent: 100
Battlecruiser Tiger: 100
Carrier Argus: 100
Dreadnought Royal: 100
Transporter II: 100
Transporter III: 100

From/To: [-157:-238]Alpha
Rarity: Uncommon
Type: Atmosphere
Owner: variola

Arrival: 01:35:1305/13/19, 07:59:03 pm
Return: 01:35:1305/13/19, 07:59:03 pm
Result: PlanetPlanet found
Rarity: Uncommon
Type: Atmosphere
Position: -157/-238
, 300 SDStardust found
The crew found a small amount of Stardust during the exploration.

+300 Stardust
, BlueprintBlueprint found
The crew found a blueprint during the exploration. This blueprint was found:

+ Dreadnought Zaneel
, AbortedMission was aborted

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